Children Minister's Training dates this February

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Victory City Church Ntinda
Children’s Ministry
       ‘To reach and nurture the children into disciples of Jesus Christ.’

Scriptural Basis for Children’s Ministry 
At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. (Matthew 18:1-6)
What a lesson we get from this great illustration that Jesus gave to his disciples. Children are at the center of God’s heart.
Its so unfortunate that many even church leaders do not see the need to reach the children. Well, here at VCC Ntinda, children’s ministry is at the center of our vision.
‘To reach and nurture the children into disciples of Jesus Christ.’

Thank you for considering to journey with us as we reach the children for God.
Requirements for joining this

Every one is welcome to join this ministry if you have or are fulfilling the guidelines below;
1. You need be member of the church by consistently tithing and being involved in the church activities.
2.  Attend at least one bible class weekly and have completed foundations one and two bible class which run every Tuesday at 6:00pm.
3. Be committed and accountable to the ministry leader and your G12 or life group leader.
4. Attend the ministry meetings every Saturday at 5:00pm.
5. Plan to be available for the Sundays you are needed in the children’s ministry and attend the service when you are not serving.
6. When taking the offering, two teachers must escort the offerings to the main offering bag in the main church. No child carries it.
7. Have completed Elevate Bible classes.

The different levels in the
Children’s Ministry
In the children’s ministry, the bible lessons are grouped in three main age groups;

 1. Pre primary ( Toddlers) ( 4yrs-7years)
These are mainly from Pre– School to primary two.
Characteristics of this age group: they are energetic, learn from visual pictures, get tired quickly, talk endlessly, enjoy stories, can memorize short verses, short attention span, take things literally, hand works apply for them, always ask why, have good imaginations, can pray and believe in Jesus.
2.Middle Primary( 8yrs-10years)
These are mainly from (primary three to primary five).
Characteristics of this age group: they are energetic, enjoy stories, can memorize more verses, little longer attention span, take things literally and have good imaginations, like activities, like action stories, need spiritual examples, discerns better between right and wrong, can pray and believe in Jesus.
3. Pre-Teens Age Group (11years - 13years0
These are mainly from primary six, seven and above.
Characteristics of this age group: growing fast, easily embarrassed, energetic and fatigued, keen minds and need to be challenged, want to feel accepted, easily influenced by peers, look up to older people, ask why, where, how and sincerely want to know about God, shy around the opposite sex.
The Activities of the Children’s Ministry
Here at VCC Ntinda Children’s ministry, we have a variety of activities to enhance our vision as we reach and disciple the children;
1. School’s Ministry;
          These are tailor made to fit with your schedule. Schools around us are willing to host us every week for one hour depending on the time they gave us. So you can dedicate any time once a week for 45 minutes to reach out to a school.

The schools include: Naguru Parents; Tuesdays at 4:00pm, Frobel; Saturdays at 2:00pm, Kisule; Saturdays at 3:00pm, Cleveland on Thursdays at 4:00pm, Sancta Maria; Saturdays at 2:00pm, Police Children; on Wednesdays at 12:30pm, Trinity; Saturdays at 4:00pm, St Catherine; Fridays at 4:00pm.

The opportunities are open in these schools though the laborers are few, I pray you dedicate to, at least  one of the schools at the time of your convenience. 

Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish. (Matthew 18:14)
2. Children’s Carnivals.
We mainly have two carnivals we organize in a year;

a) Mid year schools carnival;
This is designed to merge schools together for a fun day with activities that range from games, film, school presentations to evangelistic lessons and alter calls.

b) Christmas Children’s carnival;
This is designed for the community kids complete with prizes and give a ways that range from candy to clothes. It is together with the annual church Christmas carnival.

3. Children's Annual Camp.
These take place mainly in January holidays. We get away from the church premises either to a school or camp site for one to three days. We target to effectively spend time with the children. The activities of the camp range from; film shows, bible study, work shops, focus groups, quiet time,  memory verse, preacher, fun time, games, siesta, story time, projects, live wire, meal times, camp fire to counseling and prayer fro the kids.

5. Ministry Involvement.
The children at VCC Ntinda are not deprived of the pleasure of serving God through ministry involvement. We have the children’s blessed choir team, drama team, musician team, dance team, and ushers team.

6. Holiday Program.
‘An idle mind is the devils workshop’ as some one once quoted. Here at VCC Children’s  Church we ensure that we make the most of the holidays by organizing holiday programs that range from, Monday and Saturday  choir practices,  Tuesday and Thursday dance practices, Wednesday film show, computer, bible and life skill lessons.

7. Christian growth bible lessons.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6)
This is the core of our vision; Teaching the word of God. We have bible classes every Sunday at 9:00am, bible lessons during the service for the different age groups. The Nursery age group 7 years and below have a video class with bible cartoon lessons at 9:00am.

8.Sunday Children’s ‘Cry’ room.
This room is designed for mothers in the church with crying babies. It is stocked with playing toys and a television screen from which the mothers can watch the service as the children play. A loving teacher is there to ensure the kids and the mothers enjoy the service. It is for mainly babies 3yrs and below.

9. Teachers get together and Ministry Trainings.
This is a time for the children church teachers to unwind as we share the different challenges faced, refreshed on  how to teach children and plan the way forward.

How to join?

 Make sure you fulfill all the requirements then come and talk to Laban the children’s director who then will lead you through training on how to minister to children.

I hope you will fulfill your great potential that God has place in you as you reach out to the children who are the future generation.

Remember the little children in your care might be the president/ leader tomorrow, you can change the future as you instill in him/her the fear of God.                             Laban

Taylor Mwesigye; one of the children here at the children's church

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