Children Minister's Training dates this February

Friday, 28 September 2012

This October 9th  for the 

Children's Church Teachers Get together

Lots of food

Games and fun 

Do not miss only 5,000sh

Talk to Laban for details 

Saturday, 22 September 2012

The Children's Church Ministers Overnight

It began with the arrival of the ministers from about 10:00pm anxious and expectant on what God was about to do that night.

The attendance was impressive with  many of the former children from the children's church now in high school attending.

That previous day i was praying asking God what exactly he wanted to do. He took me to the book of Luke 10:38-42.

He  showed me the decisions that Mary and Martha had taken. Mary chose to seat by the feet of  Jesus and  listen to him while Martha was busy distracted with service. The amazing thing  is that they both were doing good things.

When Martha was offended about Mary not helping her, He told her Mary had chosen the right thing to be At his feet  listening to him. 

And that is what the whole overnight was about to minister to these great ministers not to be busy serving the Lord and forget that He loves them and wants to have fellowship with them. To be at his feet and receive and then as we received, we can also give out to the children daily.

We prayed for the children in different categories and had great sermons form different teachers as they emphasized the theme.

By morning we had an open heaven and are expectant of what God will do in our children's ministry. 

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Hey, hey welcome back from school, boy oh Girl, are we so excited  to have you back... I hope you have been nice at school. Any way, this holiday is jam packed with activities that will usher us closer to God.

Every Wednesday from 3:00pm, we will have a variety of activities ranging from;

Christian Movies to inspire you...

Holiday Bible lessons to teach you more about God and life skill lessons for the pre-teens. 

Games to have fun

 Computer lessons 

and prayer for all your needs

Its jam packed with fun and  excitement... parents please let the little ones come here at VCC Ntinda during the holidays as we teach them the word of God. For details Call Laban on 0792414777.

we love you and Merry Holidays.


Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Cling to your egg

When you pass through deep waters, I will be with you; your troubles will not overwhelm you. When you pass through fire, you will not be burned; the hard trials that come will not hurt you”.          (Isa 43:2)GNB

I like meditating on the eagle’s character of not jumping off its eggs come rain or bush fire. It also flies above the storm. No hailstorm can pull it down. This intriguing bird of much strength is known to lay and hatch eggs deep in the bushes despite flying at high altitudes.

In the event of a bush fire, the eagle does not flee for dear life leaving the eggs to be destroyed by the fire. But because it knows the characteristics of a bush fire (It blows over fast), it sits on the eggs for protection, then buries its head under its body and waits for the fire to blow over. When the worst is over, the fire leaves the eagle’s top feathers scorched, but with the eggs still intact.

So the bird raises its head from hiding and resumes business as usual until those eaglets are hatched knowing the feathers will later grow back.

People with the eagle’s resilience and strength are hard to find, even in Christianity! When trouble hits, we are quick to abandon our dreams and God’s promises and follow logic and human reasons; the eggs we have sat upon for so long suddenly look too trivial in the face of adversity. We are quick to flee to cooler spaces and let the fire blow over in the process ruining our eggs (Dreams)

The Lord has put me through a very peculiar experience and now more than ever, I know that all things happen for a reason. For all this, I have come to understand that no one will hatch your eggs for you. That task falls squarely on your shoulders. It is up to you to  sit tight and tuck your head in and let the fire blow over, or jump off the eggs and take off at high speed leaving the dream behind.

I assure you in some of these things, faith in your dream will crumble in many people but if you hang onto it, you will still salvage it. If God has given you His Word and promise on anything, don’t let situations, hard times and set backs force you to abandon dreams for counterfeits.

May God help you to fly above the storm like an eagle as you seek His blessings.

Extract from The Chronicles of A Shepherd, Okweda Francis
Used by Permission

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Your Child is Special

Lo, children [are] an heritage of the LORD: [and] the fruit of the womb [is his] reward.                                                                                  (Psa 127:3) KJV

Every child is special although no angel may have announced his birth. Each babe conceived is a sacred miracle and an unfathomable mystery. Even though the infant may not posses superhuman strength, outstanding intelligence or marks of a genius, the fact is that every child is special and parenting is a sacred trust and special honour.

Each boy or girl posses a uniqueness of five and a half billion people on this planet; no one has her voice, no body has his fingerprints, none has his eye print, no person has her face, no one, except an identical twin has his DNA, no creature has her identical personality.

Accept your child; it is vital that children feel prized, valued and special to their parents. Express your love; say to your child – “I love you every day”, “You are special” Spend special time with your child

Demonstrate faith to your child; “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength”, “With God all things are possible”, “yet in all things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us”
Teach your child their worth in God’s sight. Your child is a gift and a blessing from God.

Extract from the Book The Chronicles of a Shepherd by Okweda Francis

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

A True story about Commitment

What does it take for one to be fully committed?

If you are passionate about something , how far are you willing to go for it?

Well, this is a true story of a young girl name Joan. She probably is say, 11 years old. It was coming to the beginning of third term holidays last year when Joan visited her friend Mercy one Saturday in Ntinda over 8 km from her home in old Kampala.

 Joan acting the role of Eve in the Children's Christmas drama 'Master Plan'

They both attended the choir practice and she immediately fell in love with the church programs. As holidays commenced, we were given an opportunity to stage the Christmas production that year in the main church.

Excited as I was, I orientated the children about the drama and emphasized the need to be fully committed and attend all the practices in case they wanted their drama to be as nice as the ones done by the adult drama team. 

Joan was the first to raise her hand as I spelled out the cast to them for lead role. I thought, well i will give her a try and shockingly she was a natural actress.

 I noticed for all the practices that were almost everyday in December, that she was always the first. I thought she probably lived just next door.

That Christmas we had the best children's drama production here at VCC.

The Master Plan Children's Drama

That year during our new years welcome service, the children were given another opportunity to  minster in a song to the church. Joan is a natural singer with an angelic voice so we decided to let her sing.

 That night i had a teacher escort them back home since it was late when I discovered the commitment truth about this little girl.

She lives over 8 km from the church at the old kampala police barracks with her mom and other sisters in a humble home. The Mom is constantly being transfered from one  section to another implying most of the time they are at the care of the bigger sister.

How does she make it to church everyday I asked? 'well, i walk,' she calmly explained to me.

I leave home 2 hours before the time I am actually needed. l  can't Waite for lunch because that would mean i will be late.' I love church so much so it does not bother me of the distance. I want to serve God.

Wow, that struck me at the level of commitment of this little girl. I think of the many excuses we give as to why we can not do this or that for God.

If this girl is willing to sacrifice her comfort because she wants to serve God, what about we?

Are you willing to go the extra mile for God?

Have a blessed day


Saturday, 19 May 2012

Quiet Time

Its back to school once again and all the little ones are going aaaaaaaah.

Its time to wake up as early as 6:00am. I still remember how nice your sleep can be when the body knows its time to wake up.

Mom shouts from her room calling your name, ' you will be late for school'. You jump off the bed, lay your bed, brush your teeth propbaby take a shower.

but stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

you have not yet done QUIET Time.




It is that precious time we spend with God reading the bible and talking to him. If God is your friend you need to talk to him everyday just like you do with all your friends.

a verse in his word says,

(Psa 119:105)Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

We need his guideance and direction for the day and just to say God i love you.

How do i do my Quiet Time?

Simple, just follow the following steps;

  1. Pray: Ask God to help you understand what you are about to read in his word and to speak to you that day.

  2. Read: Open your bible to the passage you are to read for that day. if you do not have a bible guide like God and me, or Daily Power or Guide. you can start with the book of Mark reading the verses that correspond to your age eg if you are ten years you read ten verses that day till you finish.

  3. Think: Take time to think about God's word, what could God be telling you that day? what examples have you learnt from the passage that you can follow or not follow? write them down in your note book.

  4. Pray again: Ask God to help you obey what he might have revealed to you as you thought through his word. Pray also for other people like the sick, homeless, your family, church, country etc.

  5. Do: Determine to obey God that day.

Oops you can now rush to school, this will take you only say 10-15 minutes. God is your friend and loves you so much that he just can't wait for the time you spend with him. 

will you determine to do Quiet time daily?

we love you so much here at VCC Ntinda Children's Church

see you this sunday


Tuesday, 8 May 2012

The Sunday School Teachers Training - A Brief Report

We were so blessed to have around 15 teachers come for the training with 3 from our other sister churches on Saturday the 6thb May 2012.

The training began with a brief session of intercession for the children and children ministers. we then welcomed each other and played one or two games before we hit for the real training.

QUIET Time was the first session to be trained by Tr Francis Okweda, we at VCC Believe that for transformation to occur in the life of the children, then daily spending of time with God is vital that's why we emphasis that the children should spend time with God reading the bible and talking to him. He journeyed through steps that would help the children daily do quiet time as; PRAY, READ, THINK, PRAY AGAIN AND DO.

WHY EVANGELIZE Children, was trained by Laban... its important for children workers to realize the need to reach out to the children. We journeyed through the old and new testaments seeing God's view on children.

Having seen the need to teach children I then trained on the MESSAGE OF SALVATION... a child friendly way to evangelize children using the wordless book... I then crowned the session with trainings on how to prepare a bible lesson and give an invitation  for salvation to a child. we looked at how to prepare evangelistic  and christian growth bible lessons for both the saved children and the unsaved children.

Time really was not our side since we began the training at 2pm, we concluded with trainings on how to teach a new song and Memory verse... the training was so educative that the members suggested we conduct another one... and on that note check out our workplace to see when the next training is...

VCC Ntinda Children's church... reaching the children to make them disciples of Christ and wholeheartedly living for Him.


Teaching Roaster May and June 2012


Victory City Church - Ntinda
Pre primary
Middle primary

Pre-Teens Class

Bible Class at 9:00am
Nursery First room
6th May




13th May


Grace D

Grace D


20th May



Grace D

27th May


Grace D



3rd June  

Fred (Games)

Grace D

10th June



Grace D

17th June





24th June  

Grace D                             

1st July 


                           ‘To reach and nurture the children into Disciples of Christ’
The year to see the glory of God