I like meditating on the eagle’s character of not jumping off its eggs come rain or bush fire. It also flies above the storm. No hailstorm can pull it down. This intriguing bird of much strength is known to lay and hatch eggs deep in the bushes despite flying at high altitudes.
In the event of a bush fire, the eagle does not flee for dear life leaving the eggs to be destroyed by the fire. But because it knows the characteristics of a bush fire (It blows over fast), it sits on the eggs for protection, then buries its head under its body and waits for the fire to blow over. When the worst is over, the fire leaves the eagle’s top feathers scorched, but with the eggs still intact.
So the bird raises its head from hiding and resumes business as usual until those eaglets are hatched knowing the feathers will later grow back.
The Lord has put me through a very peculiar experience and now more than ever, I know that all things happen for a reason. For all this, I have come to understand that no one will hatch your eggs for you. That task falls squarely on your shoulders. It is up to you to sit tight and tuck your head in and let the fire blow over, or jump off the eggs and take off at high speed leaving the dream behind.
I assure you in some of these things, faith in your dream will crumble in many people but if you hang onto it, you will still salvage it. If God has given you His Word and promise on anything, don’t let situations, hard times and set backs force you to abandon dreams for counterfeits.
May God help you to fly above the storm like an eagle as you seek His blessings.
Extract from The Chronicles of A Shepherd, Okweda Francis
Used by Permission
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