Its back to school once again and all the little ones are going aaaaaaaah.
Its time to wake up as early as 6:00am. I still remember how nice your sleep can be when the body knows its time to wake up.
Mom shouts from her room calling your name, ' you will be late for school'. You jump off the bed, lay your bed, brush your teeth propbaby take a shower.
but stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
you have not yet done QUIET Time.
It is that precious time we spend with God reading the bible and talking to him. If God is your friend you need to talk to him everyday just like you do with all your friends.
a verse in his word says,
(Psa 119:105)Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
We need his guideance and direction for the day and just to say God i love you.
How do i do my Quiet Time?
Simple, just follow the following steps;
Pray: Ask God to help you understand what you are about to read in his word and to speak to you that day.
Read: Open your bible to the passage you are to read for that day. if you do not have a bible guide like God and me, or Daily Power or Guide. you can start with the book of Mark reading the verses that correspond to your age eg if you are ten years you read ten verses that day till you finish.
Think: Take time to think about God's word, what could God be telling you that day? what examples have you learnt from the passage that you can follow or not follow? write them down in your note book.
Pray again: Ask God to help you obey what he might have revealed to you as you thought through his word. Pray also for other people like the sick, homeless, your family, church, country etc.
Do: Determine to obey God that day.
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